Welcome to my blog

Enjoy your stay.
If you find that you are mentioned here in an unflattering, unappealing, or otherwise negative manner....too bad. I finally have a place to whine and complain about you and being the passive aggressive-but-posing-as-happy-go-lucky-not-a-care-in-the-world kinda girl, this is the perfect outlet. I can rant, rave, whine, express, create, and boast about you.
Boy, you sure do get a lot of attention.
Of course, other things will be mentioned, one of which is my weight. It is an issue I have run from my entire life and it took losing 80 pounds to finally be able to talk about it. And I have a lot to say. A. Lot. To. Say.
And then there's Ross. My Knight in Shining Armour. Sometimes he smells a little funny, but he's all mine. And he has an ass like two scoops of vanilla ice cream. He is my protector, my supporter, the keeper of my heart and my greatest source of laughter. He's my very favorite.
I was led here by various 3FC ladies. I was taking a look at Stephanie's (LockItUp) and was appealled at the idea of being able to use the word "fuck" so liberally without the internet nazi's banging down my door. I take great pleasure in being able to swear like a sailor. I work with children so I obviously can't drop f-bombs whenever I want, but they do have their time and place. And one of those places is here. But don't even THINK about correcting my grammar. I mean, who does that? If it's you, you might want to turn away now. My placement of "buts" and "ands" at the beginning of sentences and my complete overuse of commas may just be enough for you to fling yourself off the top of a tall building. I have already been responsible for one death this lifetime (more and that later).
Of course, no one could read this blog and I'm typing into thin air. But I love an audience, so let's pretend, eh?
Your blog is so cute! I enjoy reading it as your pretty funny :) Nice to have someone I can relate to.
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