Thursday, March 29, 2007

Have faith. Have faith. HAVE FAITH. That's what Dolly would say.

I love Dolly Parton. Such a gem.

I am NOT sleeping well. This is pretty typical when I can't alleviate stress in the best way I know how: by working out. I did, however, dance around my living room for 40 minutes today to Notorious B.I.G, Pat Benetar, and Madonna. Does that count? What if I wasn't wearing a sports bra (or any bra for that matter)? Does it still count?

All in all, it has been a fantastic day. I recieved an email from the Recording Academy (I'm no longer allowed to call it the Grammys). My new boss asked me if I wanted to be their 2007 summer intern. They asked me when I was out there, but it's always nice to have it in writing. What floored me and made me pee my pants a little was the realization that there is in fact, only 1 intern. I'm sure the work is back breaking and plenty of people will be plenty mean to me, but my chest is pretty big right now (and my chest is SO not big normally. Really, I have no boobs). Things are coming together: letters are being written on my behalf ("no, she's not an axe murderer", "yes, she will recieve credit").... I had to meet with the dean of my college to BEG him to let me go. Last year I had a series of events transpire that caused me to lose all focus on my education. When I should have withdrawn I didn't and now there is this giant balck mark on my transcript. I was told yesterday that I do qualify for a transcript adjustment, but my GPA is still in the hole from it. Because of that, I do not meet the requirement for an internship for the university.

But I went anyway. I knew damn well that he could've said "no way", but it's hard to say no to the Recording Academy and I could demonstrate that without that semester, my GPA is great.

Ok. Here's my PSA: There are seemingly insurmountable obstacles in life. Some of them are even your own doing (see above), but you won't conquer a thing if you don't suck it up, take a chance, and BELIEVE. It's hard sometimes. Sometimes you just have to act first and hope the results fall into place.


Of course, I don't always buy this and it's much easier to believe in situations like this, but give it a shot sometime.

Now dammit, if it would just stop snowing I could go for a run (or at least a walk) and get a decent night's sleep.


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