Friday, November 09, 2007

Time to repent.

In honor of a thread on 3FC "Where do you see yourself January 1, 2008?" I've decided that ignoring the ever increasing snugness of my jeans and the fact that I walk around much of the time in a zombie-like daze is leading to potential disaster for the new year. I've been doing this maintenance thing for over 3 years now, which means I'm over the halfway point to that mystical mark for weight loss maintainers of 5 years. I told myself if I could make it to five years perhaps my self imposed stigma of fat girl would be removed. Perhaps all those years of being overweight/obese would fade into a distant memory.

That remains to be seen, of course, and I realize it's somewhat dillusional thinking, but in the meantime, I've set up a somewhat new challenge for myself:

Get throught he holidays while not just maintaining, but dropping back down to a comfortable level.

In Nashville, what could have been a maintenance nightmare actually turned out to be perhaps the most healthy 2 months of my life. My super granola roommates and my uber health conscious friend Molly provided a house stocked with locally gorwn produce and an all-organic pantry as well as a workout buddy. I ran more than I ever have in my life. I had a southern tan (and a slight drawl to match).

While my circumstances are different: it's winter, I HATE running in the smoggy, high altitude city, and I am living with a guy who sometimes coerces me into mac n' cheese with turkey franks (something my hippy roommates would gasp at, God love them), I can certainly pull this off.

Eating: eating lately has been relatively good given the circumstances (lots of company). Being back in an office setting hasn't spelled doom (except the bagel dabacle) and my water and plain tea intake has been great.

Exercise: this is my problem. All summer my metabolism was pretty maxed out and now that I can't make it to the gym very often, I don't think I've adjusted my eating accordingly... ok, I KNOW I haven't.

So here it is.

I have got to get the gym. Even if it's only the school gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the one on Golden on Saturdays. My brisk 30 minutes walks at lunch at work will suffice as will some jaunts with the dog.

Weekend eating. With the holidays approaching, going nuts on the weekends isn't going to work. It's time to chill out. And ease up on the liquor, too.

All in all, it's pretty simple and straight foward. Plan accordingly and get my ass moving (the big one). Today I have packed my food so by the time I make it to class from work I won't be ravenous. After school I have a trip to the gym and a long walk with the dog. Tonight: get enough sleep!!!!!


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