Friday, November 17, 2006


So this week went really well. I went for 2 30 minute runs on wednesday, one in the morning, the other just before supper. I think running in cooler (notice I didn't say *freezing*) weather suits me.

I live in the most interesting neighborhood.

Our old neighborhood is about 10 blocks from here and about a world apart. We lived right off of Colfax, which is the "longest, wickidest street in America" according to Playboy. And I believe it. We lived on Capitol Hill, the raunchiest section of all, I believe. Pulling into an alley, we would have to wait for a crackhead to finish smoking before he would move out of the road. I was at a bar across from the old place on Halloween and I *think* someone offered to sell me a teenager. The day after we moved, a man randomely had his head stomped in behind our apartment. Between the whores, crackheads, yuppies, trendsters, missionaries, and state legislators, it was hard to know where you stood in the world.

I couldn't run in that neighborhood.

But 10 blocks north it's a different story, even though people think differently. It is an urban residential neighborhood. People think of it as predominatly black, and it is in some parts, but overall its perfectly evened out. It was actually the first neighborhood in Denver where blacks were *allowed* to live. The houses are beautiful. I can't describe them, but they are all so different. Big porches and all different colors and uneven sidewalks. There are people out all the time. Some have homes while many others are just wanderers.

I encountered both on my run and they both made an impression.

I guess 2 of them needed a purpose for a while and chose me as their reason.

I was jogging along at a good pace when all of the sudden I hear, "get those knees up... NOW!" I turn around and see this man riding towards me on a bicycle. He slowed and rode along with me acting like me drill sergeant, repeatedly informing me that I was dragging ass.

After he got bored, I picked up another one! A woman stumbled off of her porch (and I do mean stumbled) and said, "Pick those motha-fuckin' knees up, ya hear me. Shoot" in the smoothest voice I had ever heard. Even though she wasn't yelling, her tone told me that she was serious.

It really was one of my finer runs. And I have now put some cold weather Under Armour on my Christmas list.

I'm doing a juice fast for the next few days. I have managed to become completely addicted to sugar and it's time to break it. While everything else eating-wise has been fine, I can't even talk about how much candy I've consumed recently. I've been feeling kinda lousy in that department and I can feel a tailspin starting. This isn't the time. I've also had this completely ovewhelming feeling for the past couple of weeks. Even after a hard work out at the gym yesterday, I felt like running everyone in front of me off the road. Time to get back to basics, unearth and deal with the issue, and move on. There was a thread on 3FC recently about restriction and maintenance and where certain things are concerned, like candy (and sugar in general), there is no moderation or middle ground. When I break myself of the *need*, I don't give it a second thought.

So mentally, physically and spiritually, it's time for some juice! Bring it on!


Blogger michelle said...

HAHA. I have had some similar runs in San never can tell who you're going to pick up :P

5:15 PM  

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