Well hello, Govunah!

We don't like the queers here in Colorado, and you can spark up that doobie somehwere else, thank you.
You know, it didn't turn out completely as I had hoped, but it's a step in the right direction. I don't understand why we need measures that specifically ban certain rights from people. After all, amending the Constitution to take away rights from others has never ever ever ever ever worked. Why don't people get this? It is such a waste of energy to go to the trouble to specifically isolate a group of citizens when in the end we always realize how wrong we were and overturn it anyway. It only shows how insecure and easily threatened we are as a country if we can't at least validate the committed relationship between two individuals. And when my parents stop marrying, I will believe in the sanctity of marriage, thank you (Mom has 3 under her belt, dad has 2).
The domestic partnerships ref did not pass, but it was avery narrow margin. I had high hopes for it, but I can't be too disappointed with progress, however slow it is.
Anyway, an odd thing happened yesterday. I was doped all day from that damn sleeping pill (never again) and crashed when I got home. When I came to, I was simply in no mood to go run. But something weird happened.
All of the sudden, my workout clothes were on.
THEN, my shoes were on!
Before I knew it, I was jogging outside. I have no idea how it happened, but I'm not opposed to it happening again. It's going to be 75 degrees today so I will stop at Wash Park for my run on my way home. Perhaps my car will just pull itself into the parking lot, no?
So I'm fed up with people this week. I've had an odd series of occurances that have left me pissed off at the general public at large.
I was in Target on Friday after the Michelle Kwan shoot. Picture it: I'm in the iPod aisle. I'm standing there dressed very professionally (in heels!) gazing at the back of a box of headphones. I'm holding my purse AND my carkeys. The only thing that would say "come bug the shit out of me" is a gold plated name tag which is BARELY visible, but CLEARLY states where I'm from, and it isn't Target (and I'm not wearing a red shirt, hello!).
I'm interrupted by this older woman in her 50's. She marches right up to me and launches into I tirade about how she can't find table fans. At first, I thought she was just crazy. And then it hit me that she just thought I worked there. I tied to interject, but that made her even more upset that I had interrupted her, so I just waited her out. When she was done, I said, "Lady, I do not work here". She then proceeded to put her face right up to my name tag, raise her eyebrows and say, "Oh, reeeeeeeeeallly????"
Like I was lying to her!
So I pointed to the words and said it very slow and she said "oh" and walked away.
And it happened AGAIN.
The next day, Ross and I are at the mall and we are in a clothing store. I exit a fitting room.... barefoot......tags sticking out of my clothes.... I'm poking my head around and I'm clearly lost.
I don't get 10 feet from the door and a woman grabs me and goes, "do you work here?"
She wasn't rude about it, but I was. I shouldn't have been. But come on! Have we become that unaware of those around us? I dunno. Twice in a row. It just chapped my ass.
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