Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Off on a walkabout

My car blew up. On the Interstate. And being Jen, I knew EXACTLY where my cellphone was...

On the kitchen counter.

This on the heels of my very first speeding ticket/traffic stop (total bullshit, of course). Well, thankfully the authorities caught up with me before my car could explode and I can't drive at all...

So I'm stranded on I-70 near Federal. And I have to hitch a ride. The only person that stops is some mexican dude who spoke no english, but delivered me safely in the middle of little tiujuana Denver. I then proceeded to spend an hour and a half probably having the funnest conversation of my life with Dominic the Conoco cashier as he let me use his phone and bummed me a cigarette (I swear to God, the first thought that ran through my head when my car stopped moving was, "FUCK I NEED A CIGARETTE"). And he let me use the restroom when said cigarette made me sicker than a dog.

So, alas, no car.

Which means I get to walk. And don't think that bothers me too much. Only that I live in a transient neghborhood and now must figure out how to safely get to work at 4:30 in the morning. I'm lucky to have public transport at my doorstep. I don't even have to pay. Perhaps I can live off of loans, not work (oh sweet jesus i would love that) and walk my merry little ass everywhere. We shall see. this may be one of those change of like random occurances. I was considering quitting altogether, but this sort of shifts things back into perspective. Someday, I would like to drive a new car where I'm certain I won't get stranded on the interstate. For this, a college degree would be most helpful in finding gainful employment.

I got yet another reason to maintain my weightloss yesterday. I had a doctor's appt to check up on my pill and my doctor has called me the poster child for this particular brand. She says I'm fairly lucky that I was able to have all of my PCOS symptoms erradicated by the pill and with that and losing as much weight as I did, she said that I am essentially peserving my ability to have children.

Yay, me.

So I've heard that bad things come in 3's. Hell, it's a proven fact in my family. A speeding ticket and an engine blow-up in one week... I will keep everyone posted. This will not ruin my christmas. For all the bad Christmas's, my crazy mother and my even crazier stepmother, I am going to enjoy it this year. Ross, it's you and me, kid. Well, you, me, the cat and the turkey (and Christmas dinner on the futon and movies and good food and drink and presents. Woot...)

I am fairly surprised at how I've been able to keep up with working out. I find that running outside in the cooler air and pollution actually makes running on the treadmill that much easier. Go know.

And, in the process of writing this post, my week went from throw-yourself-in-front-of-a-bus lousy to I-am-on-fire great. An Avalanche player, who shall remain nameless, came in to bring his kid to practice and we struck up a conversation. He asked me, "So, ah, whatcha doin' on Saturday night?" I thought "Well, he's either going to ask me to babysit or something else I don't want to hear". I find out he was just making sure I would use the SLAMMING GOOD seats to the Blackhawks game this saturday night.

Yay, me.


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