The Schweizer women

So I'm out of commision. I started the week thinking that a cold was in my near future, but it was actually an injury. I pulled a muscle (or all of them) in my neck. Sooo, I haven't wanted to work out (obviously), I've been a total pain in the ass, and I've wanted nothing in my mouth but carbs. Bready, chewy, carbs.
Imagine that.
There is absolutely a connection with being hurt/ill and finding comfort in food. And you know what? I don't see a huge problem with this.
When I have a tummy ache, I'm more than happy to curl up with a coke. After all, it settles my tummy. But why does a hurt neck make me instantly want a bagel? Because food is an immediate comfort. Is this a human thing or a Jen thing?
Why the hell am I even pondering this??? I get hurt every blue moon, I want some spaghetti. I get the flu and I want a coke. I don't wollow in a bag of chips because my boss yelled at me so we are going to leave it at that.
Next, please.
Also, you may think that the following is connected to the former, but it really isn't. Why is it that the second winter hits, I gain 3-5 pounds? I'm not sweating it really becuase I'm taking good care of myself for the most part (save for that injury bagel). I've heard it's a Colorado girl thing to put on a few winter pounds, like rosy cheeks and natural beauty (wink, wink).
Next, Please.
I'm getting burned out on weight. Not of eating well or working out, but just WEIGHT. Perhaps it's time to take a 3fc break. The girls are absolutely amazing. What a support system! Plus, it gives me somthing to scroll while I'm bored at work. In fact, I would even say it is one of the bigger factors in maintaining for me. But I'm getting tired. I had this huge paragraph devoted to the different personalities of 3fc, but deleted it. Just because I'm experiencing some burn out doesn't mean I get to classify people as I see fit. But sometimes all of it just wears on me a bit.
And then I think back. Back then, it didn't just wear on me once in a while, it weighed me down every single day.
Every. Single. Waking. Moment.
Next, please.
Today is going to be glorious. 60+ degress and sunny. I'm feeling well enough to hit the pavement again. I'm planning a haircut and a brow wax. I have discovered the BEST and the CHEAPEST place to get a cut and style in Denver (small hint: The Aveda Institute). I mean, c'mon. A professional cut and color for $15 that has the same quality of a $200 job in Cherry Creek?
Color me pretty.
So if the Beauty God, Sun God, and Health God line up today, it should be a nice day.
Imagine that.
There is absolutely a connection with being hurt/ill and finding comfort in food. And you know what? I don't see a huge problem with this.
When I have a tummy ache, I'm more than happy to curl up with a coke. After all, it settles my tummy. But why does a hurt neck make me instantly want a bagel? Because food is an immediate comfort. Is this a human thing or a Jen thing?
Why the hell am I even pondering this??? I get hurt every blue moon, I want some spaghetti. I get the flu and I want a coke. I don't wollow in a bag of chips because my boss yelled at me so we are going to leave it at that.
Next, please.
Also, you may think that the following is connected to the former, but it really isn't. Why is it that the second winter hits, I gain 3-5 pounds? I'm not sweating it really becuase I'm taking good care of myself for the most part (save for that injury bagel). I've heard it's a Colorado girl thing to put on a few winter pounds, like rosy cheeks and natural beauty (wink, wink).
Next, Please.
I'm getting burned out on weight. Not of eating well or working out, but just WEIGHT. Perhaps it's time to take a 3fc break. The girls are absolutely amazing. What a support system! Plus, it gives me somthing to scroll while I'm bored at work. In fact, I would even say it is one of the bigger factors in maintaining for me. But I'm getting tired. I had this huge paragraph devoted to the different personalities of 3fc, but deleted it. Just because I'm experiencing some burn out doesn't mean I get to classify people as I see fit. But sometimes all of it just wears on me a bit.
And then I think back. Back then, it didn't just wear on me once in a while, it weighed me down every single day.
Every. Single. Waking. Moment.
Next, please.
Today is going to be glorious. 60+ degress and sunny. I'm feeling well enough to hit the pavement again. I'm planning a haircut and a brow wax. I have discovered the BEST and the CHEAPEST place to get a cut and style in Denver (small hint: The Aveda Institute). I mean, c'mon. A professional cut and color for $15 that has the same quality of a $200 job in Cherry Creek?
Color me pretty.
So if the Beauty God, Sun God, and Health God line up today, it should be a nice day.
Labels: Elizabeth Bennet Taylor Schweizer age 17 (1920-ish), Geat Grandmother Hilda Switzer Schweizer (for real) age 60 1942
Hi Jen!
That is so funny what you said about 3FC..I have felt exactly the same way. I feel that when I am on that site alot I become obsessed...but then is it better to be obsessed with staying fit or with being overweight and hating it? You always make such excellent points :) I actually came on your blog because I have been definitely feeling the winter weight gain and I know you had talked about gaining a few pounds last winter and wanted some advice...I wish I could just ignore the number, but I can't! However, I also know that I am not treating my body the way I should, mainly going back to my old binge eating habits. I am so scared now that I have to lose these 6 pounds I've put on since November and won't be able to do it...
PS - I would have loved to have read your 3FC personality assessment. I would have been the "girl who lost a lot of weight and is now insecure and thinks she needs to lose fifteen more pounds even though she probably doesn't" :P
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