Thursday, July 20, 2006

running on fumes

Song: Samba Pa Ti, Santana. If you've never listened to this song all the way through.....

So. I've hit a running plateau. I have gotten up to 35 minutes with 2 or 3 brief stretch breaks. I remember feeling briefly disappointed about that (kinda like a weight loss plateau), but then I realized, "hey. Rome wasn't built in day, so maybe rethink that marathon next week, no?" I experienced a 2 pound gain a couple days ago, but it's almost that TOM and it's gone now so I'm back to maintaining around 134, which is how much I weighed when I met Ross. I'm excited about this weekend, even though I have to work on saturday. I feel like we are getting a fresh start where I don't feel like I'm fighting food all weekend.

I'm starting to get addicted to Sims2. My mom never let me have a Nintendo (which I thank her profusely for in retrospect). A couple of years ago I was back home for a couple of days when she reminded me of this and handed me a bag witha smile on her face. Inside was a Gamecube that had mysteriously appeared in her house. No one has claimed it (not that I can imagine who would leave a Gamecube at my mom's house anyway). I don't know why I'm writing about the SIms2, but I'm starting to play it in my sleep, so perhaps it's time to ease up! It's an easy way to get through the hot summer afternooons when I'm not going outside anyway. ANYWAY....

So Joe Sakic's kid (captain for the Colorado Avalanche) is in one of our camps. He said hello to me this morning. It has only taken him 4 years to get into that habit. Who am I kdding? Guy has a heart of gold. So it is...


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