Singin'- Everything is Everything, Lauryn Hill and Jolene, Ray Lamontagne
So I was looking at my food plan for today on 3FC... I did NOT plan well for work. I was so focused on just getting through my shift that I forgot that I'm offically PMS-ing and unusually hungry throughout the day. My rep didn't show up so I was here by myself fo a while and not sure I was going to get a run in. I felt like crap. Strike that, I felt like shit. Thank God my figure skating and hockey families are Godsends and someone made a coffee run for me. I am eternally grateful, Mr. M, even if you do go over board with the pick-up lines. These people are class though, to offer starbucks every half hour.
So, alas! she showed up and I managed 20 minutes and what a world of difference. I'm golden when I get home at 2, but what to do with the remaining 6.5 hours of my shift...
So I have discovered sunflower sprouts. While I love the basis of a raw diet, the raw diet people scare me. No one should talk about their poop that much. Or mucus. If there is a deepend, the raw foodist community is balancing on the edge of the cliff. Don't get me wrong, I know the benefits, but the poop thing. Yikes.
So back to the sprouts (that was quite a tangent, but sprouts are a popular raw food thing that I don't have much experience with... ANYWAY). I was wandering through Whole Foods and decided to throw a few on my salad. They are wonderful! Very succulent and flavorful and a fabulous compliment to spinach and baby greens. Hell, I could eat them plain. So I've discovered that once sunflower seeds are sprouted and "activated", the fats and protiens change to fatty and amino acids, but still retain some protien and are high in chlorophyll and vitamin rich. Also, they are apparently easy to grow so I might have to give it a shot.
HAHA. Entirely agree -- love the ideas, but not ready to teeter on the edge of the cliff!!
Hey there,
A little while back I blogged about this post on ThisNext.com (check it out at http://blog.thisnext.com/blog/sunflower-power.html). ThisNext recently started a month-long private beta and I'd love to invite you to come to the site and make a list of your favorite fitness and health products (and any other products you love).
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