
Monday, September 24, 2007

biiiiiiig sigh....

So it's a new semester and as late nights become more frequent, I will be posting more. I miss it. It's good and cathartic and takes the edge off things...

The cause for this late night is grading freshman Music Business exams. People, people, people. It doesn't help that the professor is dyslexic and in a constant state of worry over writing an entire exam backwards, upside down letters and all.

It's good for me. This is basic stuff I'm prone to forget and will always need to know. It's these budding tour managers/rock stars/entertainment lawyers/publishers that keeps me up at night. Yes, my dear freshman, you picked a somewhat glamorous major, but 99% of you are fooling yourselves into thinking that becoming the next big thing requires that you only sit around in Denver, CO and wait... As I've learned (and, I'm sorry to say, Dr. Phil says), you can't hit the ball unless you swing the bat. Also, while copyright basics aren't exciting (I beg to differ), you should learn them- or become very afraid of the RIAA.

AND PLEASE LEARN BASIC SENTENCE STRUCTURE AND GRAMMAR. This isn't an email to your friend at CSU, it's like, colllllllege.

Anyway, it's been kind of a bad day. My only moment of light was the fact that I made it to the gym- a small, but important victory. My carb cutting is going well. Weekends are a major struggle as Fall kicks into gear and the football season comes into play. Also, when Ross and I get the "blahs" together, it's all that more likely that we'll go down in a blaze of peanut butter M&M's. However, ever since we got our dog I've had no excuse to not get outside. And there is a gym right on campus, so I don't have a choice there.

We are in love. Our dog is a ball of affection and energy and as long as we obey his need to exercise, he obeys my need to not have him chew on my running shoes. He is a blue heeler/cattle dog named Dax and people can't help but comment on how striking he is. He's one of those "cool" dogs that should have a bandana, but instead has a Nebraska Cornhusker collar.

Anyway, I'm going to start commuting up to Boulder a couple days a week to work at a film studio. It's only temporary, but with a wedding looming I'm looking foward to the extra cash. I just worry that it's going to be another calorie bomb office like the grammys were.

Oh, how I miss Nashville. It was nice to run away for a couple of months and try on a different (and certainly more glamorous!) life, but I am glad to be home. And we've been in engagement bliss ever since. It certainly opened my eyes to Denver's shortcomings and there is so much to consider over the next few months...

So. Things to get a handle on:
-Weekend eating (it's ok to relax, but for God's sake woman, don't go crazy!)
-Get back into running. The elliptical has become quite the crutch, as is making a leash-perfect dog.
-I'm sure there's more, but those are the biggies...